Monday, June 22, 2009


Tonight may be the last night that my girlfriend and I are a couple.
Tonight we break up.

I 've grown distant.

I don't want to hurt her but I can't keep pretending.

The self destruction continues but this time it won't be beautiful or freeing.
This time it will just be sad.
This time I'll be hurting someone innocent.


  1. We need to follow what our heart tells us to do. Too often we let our mind/thought over-write what we instinctually need.
    Hurt/pain is inevitable but it is needed if we are to blossom and grow.

  2. Warren,
    Do what is right for you ultimately.
    The thought of breaking up makes me sick, but that is because I know it isn't write for MH and I...but if it were [the right thing for us], not breaking up would make me sicker.
    Either way, follow your heart to happiness!

  3. Love is pain...although love, when it's right can be grand!

  4. Thanks everyone.
    I did end things and she took it even worse than I could have imagined.
    It was hard but I know it's for the best in the long run.
