Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Perception is not reality

In the process of converting my old sketchbooks to digital format (so that I can bin the originals) I came across some interesting pictures.

As I drew each of these I believed that I was drawing the world I saw, however, I was actually drawing the world I imagined. The mistake becomes obvious when you're sketching a drawing or a painting but what about in life?

What are we not seeing?
What do we think we know, when really it's all different?
Perception is not reality.

In the first one I somehow managed to draw her with two elbows on the one arm.

The second is a drawn with a technique where you look at the object and draw the whole thing without ever looking at the page. It usually gets some strange results.

The last is a simple sketch of a friend of mine where I relied on how I thought a body should look instead of actually looking at her body.

Each of these has a simple truth to offer. We need to look objectively at the world, then examine our subjective impression of the world, and then see what doesn't match up.
Then make changes.

Question for the readers:
What was your latest epiphany? When was the last time your paradigm changed?
Answer in the comments.